Tuesday, May 31, 2005

three down, five to go_

this is my final poster for my computer graphics class that i printed out full size and turned in yesterday. i used a bunch of images that i have taken over the semester (ny skyline i got from internet, though), one of my favorites being the background which is the jewish museum in berlin. the text, if you can't read it, is a mies van der rohe quote, "architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space". i am pretty happy with the way it turned out, i hope you are too. and if you don't like it, then make something better, and then look at that instead. so i am done with czech culture, ornament, and computer graphics. now i only have 5 classes to worry about, two of them that will be ending in the next week, so i will be letting you know how those go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello friend. i haven't spoken to you in awhile. i really liked that project. post more of that. drop me a line and let me know how things are.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:04 AM  

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