Sunday, March 27, 2005

make graffiti, not war_

on an overcast easter afternoon, a group of us decided to go hang out in old town square for awhile, which was bustling with tourists. every easter, in old town square and numerous other squares around the city, dozens of little wooden shacks appear with vendors trying to sell their worthless crap to the tourists. needless to say, while i was there i bought some of it, and i can't wait to give it to my family back home. anyways, we made our way over charles bridge and into the mala strana area of town. there, for the first time i saw the john lennon wall. it's actually quite a famous landmark in prague, more than you would think. john lennon's face was first painted on this wall by young czechs soon after his death as a monument to him and his pacifist ideals. accompanying his image was the phrase, "give peace a chance." no matter how many times it was painted over by the secret police, a new image of lennon would always reappear. today, light weight graffiti is encouraged, especially if it carries a message of peace and love.


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